lunes, 4 de octubre de 2021

10 blogs to help you out with EBAU

The EBAU is the main test that spanish students attend in order to get in a university degree. This is one of the toughest tests spaniards take in their student life, so that's why I'm telling you about 10 blogs that might help you out with preparing the EBAU!

1. La ventana azul

This blog focuses on spanish language and literature. It has example exams from EBAU, from 2008 to 2019 and information about authors such as: Pío Baroja, Valle-Inclán, Federico García Lorca and many more. It will also help you with syntatic analysis exercises and text comentaries.

2. Historia de España

Spanish history is another mandatory subject that all students must take in EBAU. This blog includes notes all the way from arcaic spanish history to the democratic transition, with schemes at the end of each theme.

3. Biogeleusis

This blog's subject is philosophy. Philosophy is not a mandatory subject in EBAU but it can help you to get a higher grade on certain degrees that have some relation to philosophy. It contains over 600 records about authors, ethic theories, movies or press articles. It also has the entire 2nd bachiller temary with text analysis. Oh and it also has other year's tests to practice so that's also a thing

4. Geografía

This blog is managed by a geography teacher himself. Juan Martín Martín wanted to share with the world some solved exams from different authonomous communities and current and old programming (since 2008) of Geography, glossary on geographic terms and place names to locate on a map.

5. D'economía blog

It compilates teoric lessons and practic exercises related to business economics, also a non-mandatory subject. Here you can find activities about break-even point, productivity, costs; among with long and short theoric questions and well-made PDF documents.

6. Intermatia

This blog focuses on mathematics. It automatically generates and corrects as many exercises as you want and it gives you a detailed explanation to each of them, which you can download for more confortability. It also has exercised destined to those in secondary education.

7. Mundoestudiante

This blog is full of posts to prepare the EBAU such as solved exams, tips, Frequent Q&A, etc. As well as some general information about how EBAU exams are done. It doesn't focus on a single subject but it gives you some useful general information.

8. EBAU Matemáticas

Contains past year exams from all authonomous communities for both sciences and social sciences modalities. In addition, it also provides exercises and various content to practice the subject and a blog with resources for the same purpose.

9. Segundo Pérez

This one is very used in the school I go to. It focuses on the subject of maths. It contains exams from previous EBAU tests, with their corrections and a detailed expanation of the correction. Good for practice. It doesn't have a very good design tho, but it serves its function.

10. Selectividad Inglés

Last but not least, Selectividad Inglés helps you to prepare one of the subjects students struggle the most about: English. You can expect to find solved exams, tips to prepare for them and guides to help you write better essays. They also help you to correct your mistakes. You can send them your essays and they will correct them in less than 5 days.

Extra: LINKS!

Here you have the links to all blogs:
- Segundo Pérez:

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